You don't have to break the bank to build an ultralight backpacking setup. While high-end ultralight gear made of titanium or carbon fiber is usually running into the thousand of dollar range, our ultralight backpacking gear list contains cheaper items that are just as light and performant. With just a few exceptions, we have added only alternatives to brand name ultralight … [Read more...] about Ultralight Backpacking Gear List: Getting UL on a Tight Budget | 2019 – 2020
Attitudes at High Altitudes
Sharing the Trail: Your Guide to Muti-Use Hiking Trails
It’s an amazing feeling to know that you are the only person for miles. I love the days when I can walk all day without seeing another soul. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, and as some of America’s most popular hiking trails seem to be bursting at the seams, we need to learn how to share hiking trails in a way that doesn’t disrupt others too much. When … [Read more...] about Sharing the Trail: Your Guide to Muti-Use Hiking Trails
15 Beautiful John Muir Quotes: Which One’s Your Favorite?
Caro Mims, our colleague, created this lovely list of John Muir quotes that really speak to her. We'll all be voting in the poll, so why not do it too. While we're at it, what's your favorite John Muir saying, either from these quotes or in general? Suggested: The Best Backpacking Adventure I’ve Ever Had … [Read more...] about 15 Beautiful John Muir Quotes: Which One’s Your Favorite?
Top 10 Tips on How to Reduce Waste While in the Great Outdoors
... and Be More Eco-Conscious I think it's safe to say we're all nature and outdoors lovers here. It's also probably safe to assume that we all spend time preparing for our next adventure in the wilderness, checking off gear and changing it with the latest and best. But how much time do we actually spend thinking about what we're leaving behind us in our adventures? I … [Read more...] about Top 10 Tips on How to Reduce Waste While in the Great Outdoors